Nautical Instrumentssss - Manufacturers, Suppliers, Wholesale, Dealers, Exporters, Price in India
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Nautical Instrumentssss

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Founded in 1999, TAJDAAR HANDICRAFTS today is a leading premium brand that provides replicas of luxury decorative items. We deal in products like Marine and Survey instruments, gift items like Compasses, Sextants, Sand timers, Telescopes, Binoculars, Diving helmets, Telegraphs, Magnifiers, Theodolites, Clocks, Porthole mirrors, nautical decor life rings, Knot boards, Ship wheels, Ship lamps, Anchors, Telephones, Gramophones and home decor, etc...
Established in the year 1998, Roorkee Home Decor is manufacturing of all categories of home decor and nautical products, providing a complete range of decorative items, Gift Items and antique products...

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