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Ph Meter

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Accumax India, Delhi
Accumax India

These are provided with manual and automatic temperature compensation modules and are available in table models with digital display.

  • Table Model, Digital Display
  • PH Range 0- 14 Ph
  • Manual / Automatic Temp. Compensation
  • Works on 220 V AC.
Adarsh Scientific Industries, Ambala
Adarsh Scientific Industries

 Highly Stable & Accurate
 Cell Constant Adjustment Facility
3 ½ Digit Red LED Display
 Rugged & Reliable Design


Digital Display 3 ½ digit LED
Power 220V AC + 10% 50Hz
Dimensions 75X175X275mm
Weight 2.5Kg. (Approx.)

Range 0-14Ph
Resolution 0.01 pH
Accuracy + 0.01 pH + 1 digit
Input Impedance  > 10 ¹ ² ohms
Temperature Compensation  ATC
Slope Correction  80 to 120%

Range  0 to 20 mS/cm in 2 ranges
Accuracy  + 0.5% + 1 digit
Resolution  1 µS/cm
Oscillator 1KHz in-built
Cell Constant  0.2 to 1.8 adjustable directly on digit display
Temperature Compensation ATC

Range  0 - 100 º C
Resolution 0.1 º C
Accuracy ± 0.2% ± digit
Sensor  Semi ?? Probe

Manufacturer and supplier of calorimeters, digital meters, refractometers, abbe refractrometers, hand refractometers, colony counters, hand held PH meters, PH testing meters, water PH meters and water treatment PH meters...
Shubh Sagar Industries, Noida
Shubh Sagar Industries
Model: HMS4
Power: 3.6 KWh
Electric Motor: 5 HP, Single phase
Weight: 150 Kg
Size: 23" x 20" x 32"
Material: MS
Grinding Chamber: 12" diameter, 4 Hammers
Brand: Laxmi
Usage: For grinding masala including turmeric, dried ginger etc (No grains, or wet items)..
Kumar Instruments, Delhi
Kumar Instruments
Looking for an affordable solution for laboratory testing, then Kumar Instrument Provider is right there to help you by manufacturing and supplying a wide gamut of scientific instruments including digital pH Meter...

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